2 x Baidyanath Gaisantak Bati (100tab) each

Colic pain & gases is perhaps the most commonly encountered disease in mankind. Ayurveda ha an excellent remedy for this. Baidyanath formulated Gaisantak Bati for such complaints. It acts as an antacid & carminative. It is indicated in colic. Increase appetite & removes gastric winds. Smoothly correctssymptoms like fullness, bloated...
$ 15.05 USD


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Colic pain & gases is perhaps the most commonly encountered disease in mankind. Ayurveda ha an excellent remedy for this. Baidyanath formulated Gaisantak Bati for such complaints. It acts as an antacid & carminative. It is indicated in colic. Increase appetite & removes gastric winds. Smoothly correctssymptoms like fullness, bloated sensation, flatulence. Prevents uneasiness after heavy meals.

Ingredients: Lahsun, Sonth, Ajowan, Vid Lavan, Nausadar, Hing, Lehsun etc.

Dosage:1-2 tab twice daily with lukewarm water after meals or as directed by physician.

Established in 1917, the Company has played a pioneering role in re-establishing ancient knowledge with modern research and manufacturing techniques. Buy best quality Baidyanath products online at www.alldesineeds.com. Free S/H on all orders.

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